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Is Invisalign® Treatment Right for Me?

Many patients have gapped or crooked teeth, or bite alignment problems such as an overbite, underbite, or crossbite. The issues can be corrected with Invisalign®. Invisalign® is an orthodontic and cosmetic dentistry treatment that can dramatically enhance the appearance of your smile. Invisalign® treatment can shift the teeth into their proper positions through the use of a series of clear, plastic aligners. The treatment offers cosmetic and health benefits, making it popular for teens and adults. However, to ensure that results are a success, Dr. Kalil Abide only offers this treatment to those patients who are ideal Invisalign® candidates. To learn more, contact our Jackson practice today.

Am I a Candidate?

Below are some considerations that are taken into account when determining Invisalign® candidacy:

  • The type of misalignment present: First, it is important to determine what type of problem is present and why treatment is needed. Invisalign® can correct many of the same alignment problems as traditional braces. It can improve an overbite, underbite, crossbite, gapped teeth, and crooked teeth.
  • The severity of the problem: While Invisalign® can address many of the same issues as traditional braces, it is limited in the severity of issues that can be corrected. For instance, if an overbite is so severe that the entire jaw needs to be shifted, Invisalign® is not the ideal treatment option. However, it can effectively repair mild to moderate misalignment.
  • The patient’s age: Age is another important factor in determining Invisalign® candidacy. This is a great treatment option for teenagers and adults, but is not ideal for children or pre-teen patients. These younger patients are likely to continue to see their teeth grow and change, so Invisalign® may not produce the results that are desired.
  • The patient’s commitment to treatment: One of the greatest benefits of Invisalign® is the ability to remove the aligner trays when eating and brushing the teeth. Unfortunately, since the aligner trays can be removed, it also makes it easier for patients to neglect treatment. If the aligners are not worn for at least 20 to 22 hours a day throughout treatment, results will not be a success or will take longer than the estimated timeline.
  • The patient’s dental health: To be considered a good candidate for treatment, patients should have good oral health. If the patient suffers from dental problems such as cavities or gum disease, these should be treated immediately with restorative dentistry treatment.

While these guidelines can help you determine if you are an ideal candidate for Invisalign® treatment, the only way to know for sure is to have your teeth examined by an Invisalign®-approved dentist such as Dr. Abide.

Contact Us

If you are looking to straighten your teeth and improve your bite, and you’d like to know if Invisalign® or traditional braces are right for you, contact us to schedule an appointment. Dr. Kalil Abide will be happy to meet with you to discuss treatment and determine if you are an ideal Invisalign® candidate. We look forward to hearing from you.